Public Records Request

Public Records Request Online Portal

Request and receive Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office records through an online portal. Public records are defined as any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business. These records are prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics. NextRequest is a public records system designed to make information accessible to the public. The NextRequest portal is designed to enable you to request official data, including statistics, compiled by this agency. The SCSO public records request portal button below will link you to the portal to find the documents you need. An account on the SCSO public records portal can be created to track the request online. Additionally, anonymous requests can be made through this public portal.

Commonly Requested Items

  1. General inquiries- Most answers can be found on our website or via our Public Information Officer.
  2. Please click here for additional information regarding releasable records.
  3. A similar request may have already been answered! Click here to look.
  4. Report Requests (victims of crime) - Please visit our Report Request Information page for additional information regarding releasable reports.
  5. Report Requests (other parties)- Please visit our Report Request Information page for additional information regarding releasable reports. Additionally, further information can be gathered from our Case Logs.
  6. Civilian Calls for Service- Most information regarding calls for service (both emergency and non-emergency) can be gathered from our Civilian Calls for Service Portal for the most current 3 year period.
  7. Arrest Information- Most information regarding arrests can be gathered from our Arrest Logs or the County Court Portal.
  8. Statistics- Most information regarding SCSO statistic can be gathered from our Monthly Agency Statistics or the County Strategic Plan .

Government Code 6254 and Exemption

GC section 6254 specifies exemptions to balance an individual's right to privacy with the public's need for information. Items that will most likely be withheld or redacted from Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office public records are: 

  • Juvenile information 
  • Victim information associated with crimes related to Penal Code Sections 261, 264, 264.1, 273a, 273d, 286, 288 or 289 
  • Confidential informant information 
  • Criminal offender record information 
  • Information that may endanger the safety of a witness or person involved in an incident
  • Information that may jeopardize an investigation, related investigation, or law enforcement proceeding 
  • Any portion of the report that reflects analysis, recommendation, or conclusion of the investigating officer 
  • Information that may disclose investigative techniques 
  • Preliminary drafts, notes, or memorandums which are not retained in the ordinary course of business 
  • Records pertaining to pending litigation to which the county is a party until the litigation is adjudicated or settled 
  • Personnel, medical, or similar files 
  • Peace Officers’ personnel files, including investigation of citizen complaints or any related discipline

How to Make a Public Records Request 

You will want to include the following information to ensure the scope of the request is understood and clear enough for personnel to determine if we have the records you are requesting.

  • The date(s) of the record 
  • The subject of the record 
  • A clear and specific description of the record 
  • Any additional information that helps staff identify the record 
  • Your complete contact information, so that we may notify you when your request is available 

Prompt access to public records is required by the CPRA (Government Code 6253). The 10-day period mentioned in the CPRA is not a deadline for producing records. Should the request be voluminous or determined that the SCSO needs a reasonable amount of time to review and inspect records, it may take longer before the records can be made available. 

The rights under the CPRA provide for the inspection of public records or to obtain copies of identifiable records, it does not compel the agency to create lists or reports in response to the request. 

Under Government Code 6253(b), Agencies may charge for the "direct costs" for providing copies of an identifiable record.